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Monday, December 9, 2013

Monument pers of the a journalist Indonesia

Monumen Pers Nasional Surakarta, Indonesia

Monument of the national press


Monument establishment of the national press as a radio station that was first owned by the natives

Monument of the national press , in 1933 in this building held a meeting chaired by RM Ir . Sarsito Mangunkusumo , then stood up a new radio station called Solosche Vereeniging ( SRV ) as the first radio with the national spirit of the natives .

Monument of the press as a journalist Indonesia

Monument of the national press , in this building there is a professional organization that is the first journalism PWI ( Indonesian Journalists Association ) created on February 9 , 1946, it was later designated as the birthday of the Indonesian Journalists Association , where Mr. . Soemanang elected as its chairman , and also designated as a National Press Day .
At the beginning of independence , precisely on Saturday 9 February 1946, the Freedom Fighters implemented Indonesian Journalists Conference , which gave birth to professional journalism organization with the name of the Indonesian Journalists Association Mr . Soemanang elected as its chairman .

Press monument building was once the headquarters of the Red Cross

Building the national press is a monument belonging to relativesSocietiet Mangkunegaran, this building was built on the initiative of KGPAA. MangkunegoroVII, in 1918 and intended as a meeting hall. This building was once the headquarters of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI).

To commemorate the historic events of the press , the president of PWI with the blessing and support of government and society , define the former building " Sasana Soeka" is to be a
National Monument Press .

Establishment of the Monument National Press Surakarta

On the 10th anniversary of PWI ( 9 February 1956) , the idea of ​​establishing a foundation tercetuslah Indonesian Press Museum . This idea was initiated by B.M. Diah , S. Tahsin , Rosihan Anwar , and others , which eventually materialized on May 22, 1956 , with its leaders , among others, the RP Hendro , Kaidono , Sawarno Prodjodikoro , Mr . Soelistyo , Soebekti , the main capital at that time belonged to the collection of books and magazines Soedarjo Tjokrosisworo . Later on in Palembang congress in 1970 came the intention of establishing " National Museum of the Press " .

In the quarter-century warning PWI 9 February 1971 , the Minister of Information Budiardjo declared the establishment of the National Press Museum in Surakarta, and the Tretes congress in 1973, the Museum National Press incubated in Palembang , converted into a National Monument on the proposal PWI Press Surakarta branch .

Furthermore, pursuant to the Decree of the Governor of Central Java HK.128/1977 number dated December 31, 1977 on the land and buildings " Societeit " was submitted to the Development Committee National Monument under the Ministry of Information Press RI . On the initiative of the Minister of Information Ali Murtopo , which has the support of the Association of Film Importer - European Group of America , National Press realization Monument building consisting of two units of 2-storey buildings , a unit of 4-storey buildings , in addition to the improvement and restoration of the main building .

Monument National Press Surakarta inaugurated by President

Finally, on 9 February 1978 President Soeharto inaugurated Societiet Sasana Soeka into Monument National Press the signing of the inscription . The National Press Building next monument is managed by the National Press Foundation Facility Management under the Ministry of Information in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Information No.145/KEP/MENPEN/1981 dated August 7, 1981 . The Foundation is responsible for managing and organizing the function and maintenance of facilities including the National Press Council building in Jakarta and Press Releases National Monument in Surakarta .
Title: Monument pers of the a journalist Indonesia; Written by Krisdhianto; Rating: 5 dari 5

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