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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Puppet People Sriwedari in Solo city

Puppet People

Puppet People
Puppet People is the art of dance drama that takes the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata as the main story. Puppet People is the embodiment of the dance drama Wayang Purwa (shadowgraph). Puppet people began to emerge in the eighteenth century that has been inspired by the drama that has been developed in Europe, created by KGPAA Mangkunegoro I in Solo.
All dancers Puppet People at that time were male dancers, no female dancers. In various books on culture mentioned puppets, Puppet People was created by Prince Duke Arya Kangjeng Mangkunegara I (1757-1795).
The players Puppet People at that time only the palace courtiers, and performed on a limited basis in 1760. However, the new government Puppet People Mangkunegara V show was more popular in the community, although still limited enjoyed by the relatives of the palace and its employees. The Puppet art Correctional almost coincided with the birth of the dance drama Langendriyan.

History Puppet People in Java

In the reign of Mangkunegara VII (1916 -1944) The Puppet art was introduced to the community outside the walls of the palace. Efforts to popularize this art is growing rapidly as Sunan Paku Buwana X (1893-1939) initiated the People Puppet show for the general public in Balekambang, Sri Wedari Park, and Night Market held in the square. The players are no longer just the courtiers, but involves also people outside the palace gifted dancing.
Performances Puppet People started commercially in 1922. Initially, with the aim of raising funds for the congress culture. Then in 1932, the first time Puppet People in the radio broadcast, which Solosche Radio Vereeniging, which received great from the community. Puppet People also spread to Yogyakarta. In the reign of Sultan Buwana VII (1877 -1921) Yogyakarta palace twice Puppet People to shew staging spectacle relatives palace. That time was Sri Suwela his title and Pregiwa - Pregiwati. Puppet People in Yogyakarta is called Wayang Wong Mataraman. 

Puppet people start entrenched in Solo

At that time Pakubowono X build Sriwedari Park as an amusement park for the public and its inauguration in 1899, held the puppet show which was then still alive today. Puppet People Sriwedari has made a large contribution in preserving the national culture, the arts puppets, dance, fashion, art, sound, and musical arts.
Sriwedari Puppet People is one of the art form of traditional Javanese appointment, played by artists who are very good at playing different characters. Presenting puppet story based on the story of Mahabharata and Ramayana which contain moral messages and embedded in the soul of the local community.


Developments in Solo Puppet People

Along with the development of the Puppet People, created new dance movements created by the artists of the dance palace. The new dance moves include gods, slashes, Lumaksono. ngombak banyu, and srisig. As it turns out art Puppet People get a warm welcome from the community,
The emergence of various associations Puppet People; initially with amateur status, then be professional. Puppet Society who is quite old and famous, among Puppet People (WO Sriwedari in Surakarta and Ngesti Pandawa in Semarang). Puppet People is a group of commercial culture Sriwedari pioneered the art of Puppet People. The Puppet Society regularly held performances in `Kebon King 'of the amusement park's general Kraton Surakarta.
In the reign of Mangkunegoro IV, puppet developments in the palace walk rapidly. One cause of the rapid puppet is owned by the Duchy of economic power Mangkunegaran great. Dikala it Mangkunegoro IV developed commercial ventures such as coffee plantations, sugar industry (PG and PG Colomadu Tasikmadu), pecan tile factory, such as real estate rental house in Prins Hendriklaan (Pindrikan) Semarang.
Mangkunegaran economic decline during the reign of Duke Mangkunegoro V which resulted in a decision to grant a license to hold a show Puppet People outside the palace. A Chinese merchant named Gan Kam capitalize on these opportunities, with the Puppet People was performing with Western opera style proscenium stage outside the palace with charging for the audience.
Prior to 1895, the puppet show is not withdrawn for payment, beginning in the commercialization of new puppet show began to grow. Performances Puppet People themselves often held in the building on the merry-go-stanbul Schouwburg.


Puppet People Sriwedari Solo

Sriwedari Park in Solo city
The spirit of a dynamic urbanism always lead to the direction of modernization in almost all aspects of life. Relics of the past that should remain stable until now, slowly began to lose prestige and attention. Noble cultures should be an ancestral form of reflection on our identity as a civilized nation.
In the era of urbanism is, interesting to note a phenomenon of persistence of one form of regional culture, especially Javanese culture (Solo), a performing arts Puppet People who are able to steal attention of the world community, especially those who yearn for the existence of the regional culture.
Puppet People is a group of traditional art Sriwedari the only one who is still holding the show almost every day. Amid the ups and downs of the art, puppet Sriwedari existence remains a pride of Solo.

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Sekaten celebration in the city of Surakarta / Solo

Sekaten celebration in the city of Surakarta 

Gamelan Sekaten

Celebrations Sekaten in Surakarta is in commemoration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad. Since the previous 7 days in the ring gamelan called Gamelan Sekaten, which consists of 2 parts Kyai Guntur Madu (which is located in the northern wards) and Kyai Guntur Sari (which is located in the south ward) started echoed by gending (Javanese musical composition) Rambu and Rangkur. Historically, gending was created by Wali Sanga in the 15th century to attract people in the spread of Islam. To attract attention, the orchestra made repeated with a larger size so that the sound reverberated harder to reach people further.

Sekaten including gamelan Gamelan old ancestral

Lots of interesting things from Sekaten Gamelan, Gamelan including Surakarta heritage history, according to writings in Pakem Sastramiruda Kusumadilaga written by Prince (1850) that created the first gamelan sekaten (Kyai Sekati) in 1555 AD, the time of the Islamic kingdom of Demak, at the instigation of Mayor Sanga (people who spread Islam in Java) as well as the media to teach Islam.
Sekaten first started since the first Islamic kingdom in Java, which is the kingdom of Demak and hereditary monarchy until the era of Surakarta and Yogyakarta now. Origin before the beginning of the establishment of the Islamic kingdom of Demak Bintoro, the first King of Demak Raden Patah meeting with Wali songo consisting of Sunan Ampel, Gresik Sunan, Sunan Giri, Sunan Bonang, Sunan Kudus, Sunan Muria, Kalijaga Sunan, Sunan Drajat, and Sunan Gunung Jati to discuss how to broadcast Islam in Java.

At that Sunan Kalijaga proposed a way of broadcasting the Islamic religion by allowing the execution of customary or community ordinances that time Hindus but destination entered and changed in accordance with the teachings of Islam. For example, the event Semedi replaced with prayer event, the event is replaced by event offering tithes, and the show was replaced with the crowd and to the Islamic festivals events.
At that time Javanese gamelan like, then the Islamic feast day to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad about the mosque proposed to be tolled gamelan for people interested in coming. Later, when the people had come and gathered, then given a lesson about Islam


History Sekaten

Sekaten derived from syahadatain or creed. Syahadatain are two sentences spoken by a person when going to embrace Islam. The first sentence is the acknowledgment of God symbolized by the Gamelan Kyai Guntur Madu, while the second sentence is the recognition of Muhammad as God's messenger is represented by Gamelan Kyai Guntur Sari . At the time, Wali Sanga preach Islam for seven consecutive days (Night Sekaten) with background gending gamelan.
Today, in addition to retaining the Javanese culture, Sekaten also aims to meet the tourism sector in the Solo. Some rituals or commonly known as Grebeg Mauludan still preserved as a tradition and appeal to tourists.


The series of ritual celebrations Sekaten in Surakarta


 Wasps heritage Gamelan Kyai Guntur Madu and Kyai Guntur Sari.

The event was held on 5 Mulud starting with a pair of gamelan moving from palace to ward Solo Grand Mosque, then beaten in turn. The event is at the same time as the show opener Grebeg Maulud marker. A pair continues gamelan sounded alternately until late implementation Grebeg Sekaten Mountains about seven days later.


Cannon Treasure jamasan Kyai Setomi.

Cleaning the cannon heritage palace located in Ward Witono, Sitihinggil Keraton Surakarta north. The event was carried out two days before Grebeg Gunungan Sekaten.


 Returns to the Palace Gamelan heirloom.

Morning on the day before the summit sekaten almsgiving king, the palace courtiers to the palace gamelan return back. Gamelan Kyai Guntur Madu directly entered into the inheritance, while Kyai Guntur Sari brought forward Sasana Sewaka and beaten back to accompany Hajad Dalem Sekaten Mountains to the Grand Mosque.


Giving alms in the form of the King of mountains (full cone Rice and other crops) in the Great Mosque.

The highlight of Grebeg Maulud is right on the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad that date on the calendar java Mulud 12 or 12 Rabi early Islamic calendar. On that day King gave alms to the people in the form of traditional foods and crops were arranged in the form of a pair of mountains, the gunungan jaler (male) and gunungan estri (female). This mound paraded toward the Grand Mosque around the cemetery, courtiers, soldiers, and then read the prayer in the Mosque of Sultan scholars Solo. Then the mountains will be distributed to all citizens, directly, people usually scramble taking an assortment these crops.



Cultural understanding Sekaten

The ceremony is a tradition Sekaten local cultural assets that are still celebrated by most people Surakarta. Folklore contained in ceremony in Surakarta Tradition Sekaten formed from elements containing intrinsic cultural values ​​constructed by supporting community context. The folklore of the need for dissemination and documentation so that the purity of the original story is not extinct.
The study of folk tales from different regions had been frequently done, but every community has its own variety of folk tales that are different from other public folklore. Ceremony Traditions Study Sekaten in 

Surakarta Palace was undertaken to explore and document the diversity of folklore in the communities of Indonesia in general and local folklore to enrich the national culture, ever study of the folklore of various regions in the country and Indonesia will continue to be done. Cultural preservation effort is expected to lead to a sense of national pride and culture. So the inheritance of the noble values ​​that exist in the story could be a character value as a filter foreign culture that does not comply with the spirit and personality of the Indonesian nation.
Dissemination folklore tradition Sekaten ceremony is very important to keep the non-existant, and teach the younger generation the right way. In order to know that the Surakarta area has a rich cultural tradition can be explored as Sekaten ceremony at Keraton Surakarta with folklore background ceremony.
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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Carnival Heritage Keraton Surakarta Sultanate

 Carnival Heritage Keraton Surakarta Sultanate

Carnival Heritage

Various procedures known custom among the Surakarta Sultanate Heritage Parade, among others. Carnival Heritage is customary procedures performed every night before 1 suro date (Javanese New Year). This carnival usually starts between midnight and 4 am. Treasures Carnival parades this form some heirloom Keraton Surakarta Sultanate has magical powers, believed by the Solo and the surrounding communities. Heirlooms are historical objects from the ancestral Majapahit era and earlier age, which have historical value.


Why is it called the Heritage Parade ceremonies?

Carnival Heritage called ceremonies / customs procedures, as done in fixed and hereditary at a specific time or also called tradition.
Not just anyone should hold Heritage palace, certain people who get command to eject and reload Treasure heritage palace was once paraded around certain areas in the city of Solo.

Meaning Carnival Heritage

Carnival Heritage is the gist is the dissemination of magical power possessed Treasure heritage for the safety and welfare of Keraton Surakarta Sultanate and the Republic of Indonesia.
At this time in Carnival Heritage, Heritage they carrying objects is not allowed to talk or joking, because the core of this carnival is ask God for safety throughout the country.

Caucasians Buffalo (Kyai Slamet)

Kyai Slamet is the name of buffalo (Kebo) whose color is white, Buffalo is a pet palace kept since ancient times. Buffaloes have inherit until now in white, and is considered sacred.
At Heritage Carnival, Kyai Slamet (kebo bule) are located in the first (cucuk lampah) in the Java language. In the Java community, buffalo animal is considered animal that brings prosperity, especially buffalo horn believed to resist disasters (tolak bala)

Javanese belief about Carnival Heritage

For the Javanese, Heritage Parade is a series of habits / procedures related to trust (Javanism) that it contains four elements.

  1. To honor the ancestors
  2. Pepundhen, meaning something that is held in high esteem because they have magical or sacred power.
  3. Heirlooms palace, is the ancestral heritage that must remain stable.
  4. Believing in the existence of spirits guarding the Surakarta area in the 4 corners (keblat horde). All four elements above an inseparable unity, so that culture is religion Keraton Surakarta-magical.

Surakarta society believe about ghosts that keep Surakarta in the 4 corners area, such as: In the north there is a known haunted forest with all the spirits who control the area, led by the Queen Kalayuwati Kanjeng Krendawahana forest. In the east of the city of Solo, there is a mountain in Sunan Kanjeng Lawu live by, which keeps from the east. In the south there is the sea / Indian Ocean to its residents Kanjeng Queen Kencanasari (Kanjeng Queen of South). Meanwhile, in the west of the city of Solo a volcano, Mount Merapi-Merbabu inhabited by Queen Kanjeng Kedhaton. That delicate creature believed to preserve and protect the Kraton Surakarta and the magical surroundings.
Confidence in the things that are unseen above, is said to be the Keraton Surakarta religious-magical, that believe in the things that can not be accepted by common sense. It is one of the Society Surakarta culture.


Offerings or Wilujengan, this is a culture and tradition including Surakarta to do with confidence. The offerings or can Wilujengan also called the Offertory. These offerings, fueled the confidence to give protection to the supernatural with the ancestors. The offerings are usually held regularly, in specific places, at specific times set while reading prayers.
Its core offerings are begging welfare and blessings in life, by providing compensation in any form that may be in want of their ancestors in the form of food. Usually by holding "Tumpeng", complete with vegetable rice, eggs and chicken meat, flowers are considered favorite ancestors.

Belief in God Almighty

KeratonSurakarta did not leave any confidence. Society also believes that this life was created, the Almighty God, which man-given tools such fittings piker, reasoning, creativity, taste, and inner intention. Were then given the completeness of the human being as a creature creations to make contact or relationship with the Creator or Gusti (in Javanese), therefore the Surakarta called " Manunggaling Kawula Gusti " (union with creation that creates).
Basically every human being needs the safety and well-being in life. And to achieve this purpose there are several ways and means are different from one another, and the means are not the same terms, even though the goal may be the same.
In Surakarta society, generally when got accident, distress or hardship of their lives to come to places believed to be the place of his ancestors, to ask for help to the Almighty. Approach yourself to the Almighty is done with a variety of "mental behavior" (how to approach).
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